Anger and Self-Destructive Behaviors

Men often use anger to mask vulnerability. People, and men particularly, get angry to cover the painful feelings of helplessness or worthlessness and convert them into feelings of power and control. Over time, some people develop a habit of transforming hurtful emotions into anger and self-harming behaviors to avoid dealing with them.

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Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce

Divorces and break-ups are emotionally fraught. Even if it was all very friendly, there is still grief, loss, and perhaps resentment to work through. All of these emotions can make us feel hostility towards our ex-spouse and make us want to reduce contact. We might never want to communicate with them again but if we have children, we have a responsibility to co-parent, and that means that it’s important to stay in touch and work as a team.

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Anxiety About Your Marriage

Anxiety has many origins, but one topic that elicits anxiety in many people, especially now during COVID, is their marriage and what to do about it when it’s not working for them anymore. Sometimes, anxiety manifests as a result of repressing emotions and not dealing (or knowing how to deal) with marriage problems that you might be confronted with.

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Millennials on Marriage and Divorce

Millennials are doing many things differently to the generations before them. They have different attitudes towards work, money, and relationships as well that manifest in different behaviors. In particular, they have another approach to marriage, romantic relationships, and separation than other generations.

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How to Be Bored During COVID

I’m not especially great at being bored, but have learned quite a bit about how to deal with boredom through COVID-19 and shutdown. I have learned several ways to approach boredom, besides the obvious “find-something-to-do-about it” solution. As far as finding things to do, I do think that that has been quite beneficial, however, in terms of beating boredom during the pandemic.

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How To Deal With Kids and Online Learning (Without Losing Your Mind)

To say that the pandemic has been disruptive to most people would be putting it lightly. Many have found their routines totally changed and a lot of new responsibilities. A particular situation that many parents are dealing with is that the kids no longer go to school but rather have to learn online. This puts more pressure on the parents to manage their children’s learning, ensure everything gets done, and also cope with their work and household chores that have not disappeared.

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Accepting Anger As It Is

The idea of accepting our anger, especially for men, might be foreign, counterintuitive or just not helpful when it comes to doing something about it. In our culture, we tend to glamorize anger in movies, and then suppress it when we need to use it.

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Do I Have A Sex Addiction?

Sexual addiction refers to a compulsive need to engage in sexual activity that provides a sort of “fix”, a “high”. While people generally enjoy sex, people with an addiction in this regard feel a pressing need to engage in it to the point where it dominates their whole life.

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Imposter Syndrome: What is It, and Do I Have It?

Imposter syndrome goes by various names. Some call it fraud syndrome, while others call it an imposter phenomenon. Regardless of what you call it, it's a psychological condition field by fear and anxiety of feeling like a fraud. You may feel as if you're an imposter when your boss hands you a list of tasks that you're qualified to do, but the man or woman in the next room might feel as if they don't deserve their office, promotion, or general success in life.

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Seeking Other Women Out As Avoidance Of Your Issues

There are many different aspects of infidelity, and one of the more common themes that I experience in working with men who’ve cheated on their partners is that most times, they avoid dealing with their issues, and seek out women to make them feel good or to give them what they want, or think that they want, as opposed to getting those needs met directly from their relationship partner.

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When You’re Scapegoated As The Problem In Your Marriage

With a number of couples I’ve seen over the years, there’s a trend in which one partner tends to scapegoat the other partner for all the issues or problems in the relationship or marriage, rather than taking any responsibility for contributing to those problems, which gets exacerbated when the “problem" child” spouse believes this narrative, and acts accordingly against the blaming spouse.

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