Lying chips away at one of the most important elements in an otherwise good relationship: trust. Without trust, it's impossible to grow together. Women often tell me they can't trust their guy, because he lies. If this is you, take a look at some of the questions to consider to help yourself, and help your relationship.
Read MoreFor men, it can be tricky and confusing to connect with their wife or girlfriend. Let's try to make the process easier: here's a jumbo list of 20 ways to do it, in different categories.
Read MoreBy looking at some of the issues between you and your dad, you can start to understand some of the problems in your life today, in relationships with others especially.
Read More5 strategies to maximize your effectiveness as a good dad. Use these to create the kind of relationship you want with your kid.
Read MoreNeed an energy boost, and don't necessarily need to get it from a can? Try considering these energy drainers and boosters, for more sustained energy.
Read MoreIt's hard to say 'no' to others for people pleasers, and in this post, we'll look at why that's so. Stop people pleasing, and start taking your life back from others.
Read MoreThere are lots of female distractions in the world, but seeking out stimulation and attention from other women may not be the best route to happiness and living your values.
Read MoreDealing effectively with anger is a difficult thing, because it can ruin relationships. In this article, Jason offers up six tools to help you control and use your anger to better yourself and your relationships.
Read MoreStop Getting In Your Own Way: 6 Ways You Undermine Yourself
Read MoreSure, you and your partner don't fight. But are you both avoiding your problems in the meantime? When you stay silent, it's not necessarily "not fighting".
Read MoreLearning to tune into your gut, hunch or intuition can be just as critical as listening to your mind when making decisions.
Read MoreAt the end of the year, taking stock of the things that worked (and didn't) is a great opportunity to build on those things in the new year. Sometimes, our blind spots get in our way, but this self-assessment gives you a chance to identify how your life was in 2011.
Read MoreFor those guys out there that find it impossible to not "people please" and say 'no' to others, Jason looks at the phenomenon of the "nice guy" - the kind of guy that swallows his own needs to cater more for others' needs. Characteristics of the 'nice guy', as well as helpful hints to stop the syndrome, are offered.
Read MoreDepression can be debilitating, but with tools, it can be a lot more manageable, if not preventable. Jason looks at 7 ways to feel less depressed, from lifestyle changes to communication skill building.
Read MoreFor a lot of men, dealing with their problems means putting them off, not attending to them or simply burying their head in the sand. Here's a quick article to help you start dealing with this unattended problems, so they won't build up and fester over time.
Read MoreDealing with guilt is a tricky thing, and Jason talks about dealing with it in the most effective way you can. Don't let guilt chip away at you - learn to command what you really want and not fall victim to others' wants of you.
Read MoreWhen life demands our attention, it's easy to lose track of our own progress as men. This easy self-assessment looks at different life domains of a man's life, and helps guys take an honest look in the mirror towards self-improvement.
Read MoreMen mistake sexual intimacy for emotional intimacy, and problems in relationships can stem from this misunderstanding. Find tips about how to develop greater intimacy with your partner.
Read MoreIt's hard to be focused and present, when we get sucked into the constraints of modern living and responsibilities. Getting present isn't hard - we just have to modify some things to get there.
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