What Your Anger is Doing to Your Life

Anger is a perfectly healthy human emotion. It’s only when that anger becomes uncontrollable that you start to experience problems. Constant or recurring anger uses a significant amount of energy and makes it difficult to think clearly in a given situation. When you’re angry all of the time, it also makes it incredibly difficult to actually enjoy life.

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COVID, Household Chores and Your Guy

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to make many changes. In particular, many households have had to change the way in which they operate. People spend a lot more time at home and engaging with each other, which has shifted the dynamics and the way in which many families approach chores and childcare. It might put a lot more demand on women, who traditionally engage more with these tasks, and create a situation where husbands need to pitch in more. How can women make this happen?

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The Impact of Growing Up With An Addicted Parent On Our Adult Life

Growing up with a parent who has an addiction is an experience that leaves a mark on the person’s development. It can impact their identity, relationships, self-esteem, approach to parenting, attachment, and their perspective on alcohol use and substance use in general. Let’s examine what many adults face when their childhood experience was marked by a parent’s addiction.

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Pandemic Fatigue: Coping With COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has stretched over a period of months, becoming an on-going marathon rather than a sprint. We still need to limit our activities, face the risk of contagion and the possible consequences, worry for the well-being of our loved ones. Worse, the situation seems to stretch to the following months as well. This has left many people feeling exhausted, physically and emotionally.

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The Unique Challenges of Being Latinx and Gay 

When talking about the impact of these and other factors on the person’s well-being, we can’t just talk about it generally. The person’s experiences will be influenced by many other things: their gender identity, their background, their socioeconomic level, and, of course, their race and ethnicity. Let’s examine the experience of many Latinx gay men and how these aspects of their identity influence each other.

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Managing Perfectionism

We can define perfectionism as the desire to be flawless and to do flawless work. Sometimes, it affects only one aspect of our lives, like work, but other times, we feel the pressure to be perfect in everything we do. While perfectionism can motivate us to try harder, it can also make us feel constantly anxious and concerned with our performance.

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What To Do When Your Spouse Won’t End Their Affair

Even during an affair, it’s possible to still love your partner and want to work things out. You’re likely experiencing a lot of anger, hurt, and betrayal right now, but that doesn’t mean you want a divorce. You probably want to lash out at your partner and punish them for hurting you, which is completely understandable. However, if you want to reconcile and solve your relationship problems, you have to face facts and start working toward a solution.

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Men, Work And Sourcing One's Identity

As people, one of the core needs we develop is to have a strong sense of self. We need to be “somebody” in the world, and developing a sense of identity is central to developing our sense of self. For men, often times this sense of self or being somebody comes in the form of identity formed through work and career, especially in our Western (and American) culture.

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How Growing Up With Divorce Influences a Person’s Adult Relationships

Experiencing the divorce of one’s parents as a child can be difficult. It leads to many consequences for one’s emotional and psychological development, especially if the divorce is a messy one. However, the consequences might continue beyond one’s childhood years and adolescence into adulthood and impact the way in which a person experiences their adult relationships.

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How to Support Your Wife Around Your Family

It’s great if everyone gets along and has a good time, but for a lot of couples marital tension is created when a spouse doesn’t get along with the in laws. If your wife doesn’t like your parents, you’re probably familiar with this experience. It’s hard to see the people you love fighting, and it’s even harder when you’re the one caught in the middle. Your parents raised you and have supported

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Dealing With Anger Directed At Your Kids

Parenthood comes with a lot of challenges but one of the most daunting ones is coping with anger. When you have kids, it’s not always going to be sunshine, and experiencing frustration or anger at certain situations is a normal reaction. What matters, however, is the way we choose to cope with this emotion and how we can use it constructively rather than destructively.

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The Truth About Men and Suicide During the Pandemic

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 80 percent of all suicides are committed by men. During these uncertain times, counselors and therapists have noticed an increased occurrence of suicidal thoughts among their male patients. It’s understandable why so many people are feeling despondent. The pandemic has heightened anxiety, depression, isolation, and loneliness for countless people. Men, however, often have a harder time coping with these feelings because of societal pressures surrounding the male identity.

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How To Support Your Depressed Husband

Depression does not only affect the person who has it but also those around them. As a spouse, you will see changes in the way your partner acts, how he talks, how much energy he has, and your relationship overall. Supporting someone with depression is a challenge, and there are certain specifics in the way men tend to experience this disorder.

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Cheating During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Relationship experts believe that the COVID-19 lockdown will lead to a rise in divorce rates in the world. Many people are anxious about spending too much time with others, no matter how close they are. But what are some new things people are doing to step out on their partners? Is relationship/marriage loneliness during the pandemic pushing people into cheating more so?

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Healthy Relationships For Gay Men

Gay relationships face many of the same challenges as heterosexual relationships - who does the chores, how is the money used, what about kids? However, they also have to deal with additional challenges that are not as clear and that might blur the lines of what is a healthy relationship.

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